This Summer, 2021


With all five kids home for the summer, days are wild and flying by fast. I have resumed working on commissions and I am enjoying the process of taking an idea or image and making it into something tangible and lasting.

The next body of work I am working on is based off an untamed and beautiful area in northern Michigan near my parent’s cottage. It was a cloudy November day the first time we visited, and it still took my breath away. I love the texture of the trees and plants against the backdrop of the big blue sky, shining water and white sand. It is my hope for these works that, although they are from a specific place, that they remind you of many of the wild and untouched places in Michigan. That they call up the feeling of being a child, exploring and taking in each detail, in awe of it all.

I can’t wait to dive in and share progress as I work through it this summer and early fall. Squeezing in what time I can between pb&js, summer reading, sand castles, bike rides, and enjoying time with our family.

Thanks for being here.


The Colors of the Sun Series